Traditional Standard Operating Futon Frames
The Continental Promo Collection is dollar-smart. All our Continental frames come ready to assemble in a very small box. Reducing factory assembly and keeping transportation cost down boosts your value-for-money. What you get when you've put it together is a beautiful, solid, quality futon frame; you won't find a penny scrimped or a corner cut in that department.
The Continental Promo Frame is a novel futon system especially designed for the promotional, low-cost frame customer.
Easily identifiable with its Lengthwise Deck-Slats, The Continental’s value begins with a Very Small Box for more convenient shipping
All Continental Promo Collection items come with a limited 5 year warranty.
$634.00 | $582.00 | $496.00 |
$548.00 | $412.00 | $508.00 |
$626.00 | $452.00 | $524.00 |
$444.00 | $534.00 | $598.00 |
$602.00 | $370.00 | $390.00 |
$522.00 | $576.00 | $558.00 |
$552.00 |
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